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Training for The Storyteller - September 2022
Welcome to "Training for The Storyteller"
Overview "The Storyteller"
How to use Circle for our Community
Our Meeting Schedule
The Storyteller has Space
Your Space and introduction to "Rock Plant"
Using the "Rock Plant" with different environments
Adjunct Faculty Lesson: Laura Geiger (9:07)
Session One Worksheet
Teaching Instructions and Invitation to Share (2:09)
Tuesday Sept 20th Group Session recording
The Storyteller Moves
Nonverbal Communication and Gesture
Motion and E-motion supplemental video
Meredith Offers Awareness Through Movement
Session Two Worksheet
Teaching Instructions (2:40)
Recorded Group Session October 4th
The Storyteller has a Voice
The Power of Sound
Pitch, Tone and Timbre Exercise
Widening your Range of Pitch and Tone
Warm Up Exercises from Jason Phelps
Teaching Instructions
Working with Color with Jason Phelps
Recorded Group Session October 18th
Rhythm and Silence
How our Voices become Music and Awareness of Rhythm
Working with Rhythm in Verse
Session Four Worksheet
Teaching Instructions
Recorded Group Session November 1
Making a Connection
The Ritual of Permission, Connection and Closing
Session Five Worksheet
Teaching Instructions
Recorded Group Session November 15
Building Body Awareness and “Gut Instinct"
What is "Gut Instinct"?
Building a Body and Heart Awareness
Session Six Worksheet
"Energy Regulation" with Laura Geiger
Body and Voice Checklist
Recorded Group Session November 29
Supplemental Lessons and Presentations from Previous Level One Cohorts
Nicole: Unsticking Creative Blocks
Matthew: How to Become Water
Anne Marie: What is taking up Space?
Michelle: Connecting with Natural World through Gesture
Chelsea: Starting your day and Remembering Who you Are
Adjunct Faculty Lesson: Laura Geiger
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